Friday 18 May 2012

   Another week passes by and after finding out on Tuesday that I have finally been recomended to train to join the clergy within the Church of England, my thoughts have been turning to what lies ahead.
The study over the next few years will certainly be challenging, but i,m  very fortunate to be supported by my brilliant wife and 3 children.
The exciting thing is that in 3 years, we will up sticks and move to where God puts us, Sarah seems quite unflustered and reassures me that as long as were together we will be just fine. Alongside this is the feeling of, "Blimey this getting very real! "
The time at St Mathews continues to inspire me and teach me news skills and experience lots of new things, yesterdays Ascension day service was no exception, and was another fine example of how catholic worship can work so well within th CofE.
I enjoyed a quite drink with another Alex, our curate (junior vicar) and we talked about our journeys and experiences, and it is extremely reassuring to know others feel the magnet of Christ, like I have.
Work continues to be enjoyable, and I enjoy regular questions of all things church, I suppose I see it as way to share my faith, without ramming it down peoples throats.
I must say also how humbling it is when so many people show genuine pleasure in my good news, I am very fortunate not only having a great family but great friends, who know how much this journey means, and recognise my efforts.
Next thing on the church agenda, is to visit the DDO (director of Ordinands) and debrief on the interview with The Bishop of Jarrow, but I sign of this week, full of joy and elation that the opportunity to serve Christ in the way I feel he wants me to, is overwhelming and humbling but also very exciting.
May Christ be in your hearts this week, for those in a Good place give thanks to God, and for those in a bad place, you must turn to God. remember if you require a prayer, message me

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