Wednesday 19 December 2012


 So here we are, nearly at Christmas day, As one of my favorite crooners Andy Williams once sung on his Christmas Album,  The most wonderful time of the Year and it is indeed a special time especially for those of us with young children who can’t wait for the opening present ceremony to commence.
And whilst it is a truly magical time, when we get together with those we love dearly and those who we care slightly less about but seeing as it is the season of goodwill we are prepared to extend our arm of hospitality, as long as they have left by the time of the Coronation Street christmas day special.

When you were a child can you remember the ‘Big Present’ you know the one that made all the other ones ever so slightly insignificant. it may have been a bike or Dolls House, a Computer or a snooker table. I remember one particular Christmas I would have been about 11, all I wanted more than anything else was a Tottenham Hotspur away kit, a powdery blue, le coq sportif number. I wasn’t that hopeful as in those days Spurs kits weren’t doing a roaring trade in Burnley where I was growing up.  And so Christmas morning arrived, I got the usual pyjamas, selection box, and knitted jumper off Granny, until there was just one present left. My Mum said ‘this is your special present’ And sure enough I opened it up and there it was my Tottenham Hotspur away kit. I lept with joy, I hugged my parents so hard, I was so happy and I do not lie when I tell you I wore it all Christmas both day and night.

And so here we are nearly at Christmas Day, all the work and time, all the money and care, all the effort and thoughtfulness all the sweat and toil gone into making Christmas just perfect, isn’t it wonderful? So imagine the most perfect present that you ever received. Was it a toy, clothes, gold, frankincense or even a onesey? And now do you have that perfect gift pictured in your mind? Well now think about God, and think of God’s greatest gift to mankind. Think of Jesus, born on Christmas day, think of Jesus as that extra, extra special gift that is waiting for us under the tree. Be reminded that among the tinsel, and the trimmings, the sprouts and crackers, we are here to celebrate the arrival of God on earth in all humanity. From the Bible Luke 2 tells how it happened, Mary gave us the gift of God, in a stable in Bethlehem, he came to earth to redeem us. To forgive us our sins, to show us the way. As a prophet from the Old Testament predicted he came down to earth from heaven. And that brothers and sisters is, I promise you the greatest gift we can ever receive and we must respond with great thanks and praise, and rejoice that he chose us to follow him.

As we consider what lies ahead at Christmas like, did I wrap Uncle Harrys slippers? Will the Turkey be defrosted? Will my husband get me that item of high expense i've been dropping  into conversation for the last 3 months, Why did God not make Christmas day 36 hours long so we can fit it all in?  Well he didn’t and I am sorry if that disappoints you, but now, just for a few moments I ask you to empty your mind of those kind of thoughts and I ask you to open your mind to the love of Jesus Christ. Find a window in your busy schedule and in the peace and stillness of that moment turn your thoughts to the Lord of all Lords entering our world and accept this is his Christmas. This is the true Christmas, no television, no card games, no indigestion, no sherry. This is the Christmas where we rejoice and give thanks that because God so loved the world he sent his only son into his world so that we might live.
And so we are here not for tradition, not for conscience, not for our parents, but for the love of God. We are here to rejoice, to praise the Lord, and give thanks for the greatest Christmas gift of all.
Our savior Jesus Christ.

I truly hope Christmas is magical for you, and for those who are feeling pain, or carrying burden or frightened what the future holds, be reminded there is a friend who is waiting to walk alongside you anytime you need him, he wont let you down.
And so I wish you all a lovely Christmas, and I conclude with a prayer.

Father in heaven,
I pray for my friends,
for fun, and joy and hapiness
but also for friends
with their fears and worries 
stresses and strains
For our loved ones,
For those we dislike
For our futures,
And our past
For forgiveness,
For tolerance
For peace.
And for love
In the name of our savior
Jesus Christ

On line

  I have always been intrigued by media, television and radio, I recall a time when the family would come together shortly after tea to chil...