Friday 27 February 2015



Hello once again,
                            A short time ago I came across a picture of myself and my dear wife Sarah from about 1987 or even 1988. I was as handsome as I am now and heading for my eighteenth birthday, Sarah was very pretty, not long past her 16th birthday and was clever enough to hold down a responsible occupation where the local fish and chip shop would have failed to open for business if it wasn’t for her aptitude at peeling potatoes. I was in full time employment for a defunct electrical business where I had access to a works van and a screwdriver!

A Peeling implement.

Our romance was a slow burner and it was some months later when I rang her from a gay bar in La Manga, Spain to tell her  that I loved her. When she replied, ‘I love you as well’ I put the phone down and couldn’t wait to get home to hold her in my arms and kiss those pretty lips! My best friend Sarah is much more reserved than my good self and would not appreciate endless anecdotes about our courting days, but trips to Blackpool, Morecambe, Southport and anywhere else that were accessible from Burnley bus station provide happy memories of the fledging months of our relationship together.

A Burnley Bus

Access to the van extended our geographical capabilities and we went here there and everywhere until an unfortunate accident on the way to Malham in Yorkshire led to us being incapacitated, stuck in a ditch and being saved by a local farmer This led to a ‘bit’ of a telling off and to having the car removed from my accessibility and heading straight back to the bus station, via the job centre!


After a while we started living ‘over the brush’ and bought our first house together, we were blissfully happy apart the constant screaming and bellowing from the nut cases that lived next door. Many people kept bringing up the subject of marriage, which I always batted away as I had a deep fear of making a lifelong commitment and was insistent that I never wanted to be betrothed.

And then nearly 17 years ago our young lad Joe arrived on the scene and life was good. Memorable holidays to Devon and Cornwall and Scarborough where we enjoyed watching him going from a baby to a boy. Plans for a house with a garden were on the horizon. And in hindsight holding my son in my arms to the point of losing the blood flow in my limbs as Sarah recovered from the emergency operation whilst listening to Louis Armstrong sing We have all the time in the world, was probably the moment that I realized fatherhood was indeed a lifelong commitment and I had nothing to be scared of.

Mr Armstrong

Not long after in the utterly unromantic setting of our front room surrounded by catalogue clearance furniture whilst doing something completely forgettable, I do recall saying that if Sarah fancied it, we could indeed get married! She shocked me, Sarah is not an emotional person she is very measured and calm. However she was over the moon she was just delighted.  We hugged and if I ever had any doubts about the love she had for me they were completely removed at that point. To be honest she has always loved me, I knew it, but couldn’t
believe it. 

So we did it, we got wed on my dear Fathers 80th birthday.
And as this amazing beautiful person watched me do all sorts of things that were going to change mine and her life, from football refereeing, hospital radio DJ, Stand Up comedian, writer, poet, she never batted an eyelid, never said, pack it up you pillock! She just supported me, loved me, and encouraged me. As mentioned in a previous blog sitting with Sarah at my side at the Lowry theatre watching a professional stand comic perform my material in front of a packed audience will live long in the memory.

A Football Official

 And now, here today being married to her is the heartbeat of my life, because of her I can be myself, safe in the knowledge that whilst she might tut or shout at me, I know she loves me and our friendship and our marriage will mean we live out our days together. I write this blog because ordination looms, and if there is one thing that is absolutely certain. Without Sarah at my side there is no way, just no way on Gods earth would I be being ordained in the summer at Blackburn Cathedral. I have never been referred to as God’s gift, to women, to comedy, or to retail but I certainly believe that Sarah is indeed God’s gift to me. The road we have travelled together has been so special, lots of setbacks, tears, hurdles for me to overcome to get to this point. I did it because of her, and because I believe God intended me meet her at bus stop back in the days of new romantics and Rick Astley I believe ordination will prove to be a wonderful life changing experience.

New Romantics

Sarah or Dan as I refer to her is preparing to take on the next leg of the journey to our new home in the next month with extraordinary enthusiasm, she continues to support me and love me as I moan about the here and now but by grace to have her in Gods house on the 4th July (Ordination) is the proudest thing I could wish for besides having three wonderful children who make life hectic, exhausting and utterly exhilarating.

St Matthews Burnley

I do feel God has a plan for all of us, the difficulty sometimes is working it all out, but maybe that’s the whole point. Maybe we are just not meant to know. But by submitting to his will the answers to the conundrums may be revealed, by not submitting you run the risk of never knowing how bloody fantastic it feels to live with her by myside and heavily under the influence of our savior Jesus Christ.

Love to you all


On line

  I have always been intrigued by media, television and radio, I recall a time when the family would come together shortly after tea to chil...