Thursday 13 August 2015

10,000 Reasons

10,000 Reasons

My first ever blog was published on 12th May 2012 and to date it has been read just 52 times. I would probably advise against reading it as it’s not my finest piece of work but if you’re that way inclined here is the link.

It was a very short blog in fact the shortest blog I have ever published, it was short on word count, short on content and short on humor but as I reflect on my blogs now surpassing 10,000 hits I couldn’t help but look back to reflect where this little adventure started out.
Ten thousand hits, I like that !

It was published as I nervously waited for a letter to arrive from the Bishop of Jarrow informing me if I had been successful or not in being able to commence training for ordained ministry. In fact just a few weeks ago I passed a service station where in 2012 I nervously sipped an excessively hot drink which although ‘Costa’ lot of money was most certainly not a ‘Costa’ Coffee. The service station was on the out skirts of Durham, a place I took refuge after arriving ridiculously early for late afternoon appointment with the Bishop. I remember virtually nothing of the interview except being asked my views on gay marriage. As usual I probably over emphasized my thoughts leaving me to consider on the way home maybe I said too much just as I had done on many previous occasions.

Well history dictates I made it through and alongside ordination training, came the encouragement to write down some of the events and ups and downs along the way. The intent initially was to tell a funny anecdote or two to see if the ‘dormant’ funny bones had anything left to offer, and I’m pleased to report that on the occasional blog I feel I wrote a jolly line or two.  As I look back on the blogs I have written previous to this one I can’t help but feel nostalgic and rather proud at some of the stories I have written.

Also it fills me with some sadness as the initial period of training has ended as I begin again as a Curate and eagerly await September to clarify what the next three to four years will hold. The time from the first blog until ordination was exceptionally difficult probably not as much as I realized when I was in the thick of it. I put myself under a lot of pressure to be a father, husband, manager and trainee clergyman. It is only now all these blogs later that I reflect how really tough it was and if it wasn’t from my utter commitment to God I would definitely have packed it all in. Whilst I enjoyed the companionship and worship and prayer, the study never ever came easy and when I look back at my portfolio with its numerous theological essays I sometimes wonder how on earth did I do it? Study does not come naturally, it never has it never will! Laughing come naturally as does chatting and caring, all good things for ministry but not attributes that will get you the much needed pass mark a trainee cleric requires!

 I am sure some people read my blogs and think what a load of nonsense this is, however I also get some lovely feedback from friends but also people I don’t know and I find that really nice and affirming of the enjoyment writing gives me. Do I have any favorite blogs? Yes a couple stand out for different reasons.

The blog: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Isn’t it?

It Is a blog I really like, it is totally true and I still shudder thinking of what we had driven too only to have a really great holiday at the end of it.

Also the blog : The night I met Jesus in the Lift.

It just makes me smile there were no children back then just me and Sarah. Ordination was never even a thought.

And my favorite blog maybe unsurprisingly is the Blog: A love Story

This blog was written about my late Father who passed away at the end of my first year of ordination training, I recall that moment vividly as ironically I was studying death and dying with a fine man, Rev Phil Hudd in Lancaster. I actually recall thinking to myself I wonder if my Father might pass away during the module and indeed he did. My elderly father had been suffering from Alzheimer’s and I had to adapt to my ‘old’ Dad with ‘new’ characteristics. It wasn’t easy but I have no doubt a greater being than myself was with me and my Father and teaching me some incredibly valuable lessons during the painful few years that he was ill. I am not ashamed, embarrassed or afraid to say that I miss my Dad dreadfully I wish he could have been with me physically on Ordination day. I have no doubt that God used my Father in ways I may never fully comprehend.

Anyway, 10,000 hits is something that pleases me a lot, I see it as 10,000 opportunities to talk of God, 10,000 chances to express my faith. I hope I don’t come across as weird or a Bible basher, or pious or self-indulgent if I do then that is not my intention.

You know I have met and continue to meet Christians, in fact I suppose that’s now my job as a professional Christian. I sometimes look at Christians from a non-Christian perspective and quickly have to remind myself that I am indeed a Christian, but I suppose like most families they are nearly always one or two that get on your nerves and think what are they on?
Some Christians are a bit odd, some flummox me with their external personas, some look great yet talk bile, some look weird yet talk beautifully and make total sense.

I have no idea when the next blog will appear, a rest is in order (I have other ideas) I feel but if it’s a month, 6 months, a year or longer then I pray that you will look after yourselves and that you take time to consider what is important and if your creator should have some involvement in your life. I hope you do he would love to hear from you.

Ten thousand hits, I like that !

Till next time
Much love


On line

  I have always been intrigued by media, television and radio, I recall a time when the family would come together shortly after tea to chil...