Wednesday 4 July 2012

Crimped hair and leather trousers

       Firstly many thanks for all those of you who have said how much you enjoy my blogs, it give me great encouragement to carry on. current views are at 907 many more than I ever expected.

Do you ever get confused? I,m get confused frequently, It can happen in any place and at any time, and after I threw my underpants down the toilet last night instead of into the laundry basket, it highights how the brain sometimes works or doesn't work.
Some years ago whilst rushing to get ready for work, I was struggling to find some clean dry socks and after moments of stuggling I found some wet ones on the radiator. My brain in its wisdom decided a good way to dry my socks would be to stick them in the microwave  on full power for a few moments whilst I nipped upstairs to carry out my ablutions.
My occasional lift to work (Glynn) arrived at my home to smoke alarms going mental and a dense fog, and smell of burnt nylon acyrlic footwear.  Oh how he laughed as I vigoursly flapped the local newspaper in a pointless atempt to clear the  nausius fumes before we left the house for work.
  Whilst within the same employment I got dressed early, washed, brushed,cleansed etc, I had breakfast and got the bus to work, unlocked,put the lights on, opened the doors and awaited the first customer of the day. "Morning" I said to the enthusiastic window cleaner. "Morning" he replied, "Any reason why your wearing odd shoes"?
I looked down to have one very black shoe on and one very very brown shoe on, "No" I said, absolutly no idea".  Oh how the brain works.
Whilst on holiday in Croatia as a not so handsome 18year, my brain without much consideration decided, that Brown sandals with white socks, two tone black and white shorts, a white vest, free supersnaps camera (on a cord) and trilby hat was a fashion statement the Europeans of the East would aspire to follow. Or when I asked my Mum to perm my hair when I was sixteen, or when I walked round our local village in black leather trousers, eyes darkened by make up, my ears pierced(twice) and hair lightly crimped by my so called platonic mate Tania. Or the time I carried my Sony cassette player with the pop out handle around the Pleasure Beach at Blackpool with  the volume on full blast to the adolescent sounds of Madness armed with my fake ciggerette from the pier joke shop to  add some rage to my teenage angst and "yuff" statement! Yes the brain, my brain really has a lot to answer for!
  "What are you"?  I,m often asked, "I,m a Christian" I often reply. "Yes but what are you"? Catholic, erm, one of them Mormons, Methodist Church of England thingys"? I often reply, "Yes i,m Church of England". And then "Is that Catholic"? No its Church of England, I am an Anglican" I respond. And often I,m offered the response, "Right, is that The Pope?" Er no it's the Archbishop of Canterbury". And then "Is he The Pope"? and it goes on and on.

Sadly many people are so far removed from their own christian identity they have absolutly no idea what it is they are representing as supposed defenders of the faith. They have allowed themselves to become so confused by thier own christian position that they retreat and say nothing of what they are and what they believe. The same of course applies to The Bible, if you have not read it you could easily become confused, trust me it is not a simple cup of coffee novel and it is certainly no 50 shades of Grey, whatever that is about! The Bible is complicated, challenging, revealing, beautiful, frustrating, violent, humbling, sad and joyful.
But what frustrates me is people allow themselves to be so accepting of their own position of faith, particularly in adult life and accept that, that is how it is now and will be for ever more, and I don't need to engage my brain in developing my personal understanding of what God might have to offer, particularly to those who are a little, weary, frustrated, unloved, naffed off, angry, joyous, confused etc. The escape we seek can be momentarily found in a good book, TV, cinema, theatre, etc, but the solution and understanding can truly be found by developing ones faith, and understanding.

Start by re-evaluating what you are, Think,  Do I beleive in God? Do I believe that Jesus died so that will shall live in heaven? Do I accept that Jesus' key message to love thy neighbour is a good message, after all there was no commandment greater than this. If you answer yes to this, Hurray you have a basic christian belief.

Secondly - When was the last time you said a prayer? I am often asked to pray for people and I always do, but it would be even greater if you prayed yourself! We are a modest bunch, us British, we can't do anything that would be seen as daft or stupid, we like to fit in, but please, please try, just think If you could pray for just one thing, right now, What would it be? A loved one, a financial crisis, a hurt you have left undone, the joy your child has given you, the promotion, the new car, what would it be?  Just simply pray, for thirty seconds, something really simple, like Dear God, Thankyou for the lovely day I had a work, it was a joy, and I give thanks to you, Amen,
By doing this simple act if you have not done for some time, is reconnecting with your God, your prayer will be heard, you are speaking to the one who created you.

And finally, why not find your Bible? it may take some finding, it may be dusty, it may be that gideon one you got as a child, and if you don't have a Bible maybe go online.
 Please read one simple passage. Go to Psalms and find Psalm 139, it was written thousands and thousands of years ago, but it is one of the most wonderful and revealing poems/songs you can ever read.
If you do this, you and your brain have reconnected with your creator, you have made a small step in moving your faith forward, allow your brain to be inspired by the word of God.
And for that we must give thanks
In Christ with you all,
p.s. if you don't feel you are able to pray. privately message me, and I will pray, in total confidence for you!

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