Sunday 24 June 2012

Fair trade Oysters from Bolton

    With  my Ordination pretty much exactly three years away, I wonder if starting to prepare for the upheaval of moving house should begin now.
Most families have a drawer for junk, those items that nobody can make the decision to disperse with or throw away, but unfortunately in our house we have a drawer a cupboard and  a room full of stuff that just sits around whilst one of us decides if it is fit for the bin, the carboot sale or the Ebay frenzy that descends on us every eighteen months or so.

I don't know if anybody recalls Tandy? it was a shop that sold every electrical accessory you could imagine, from VHS tapes, to the audio cassettes, from record player stylus' (needles that made the records play) to Sony Walkmans. I have a box in my house to rival Tandy, one that has more leads than a Crime watch special I have more cable than Nynex and I have so many entwined wires it would be easier to unknot a bowl of spaghetti!
There origins are unclear, but they have just grown and grown over the years as the family belief that they may serve a purpose at some point in future life.PS1, xbox, spectrum, scart to scart, pin to din, din to pin, RF in to RF out, you name we have it! We also have loads and loads of chargers and frequently when my phone is flat the only charger I can't find is the one that I need, the one that is currently in use, and so waste many minutes of my life trying all the other chargers that lead me up the garden path by looking ever so much like the charger I do need, only to let me down greatly when I plug it in the flippin socket.
  The other issue that bogs me down is "PASSWORD MAINTENANCE"  it drives me crackers,you need it for everything, Work, Internet, Banking, Cards, sleeping, drinking and farting! I think it's only a matter of time before I need a unique code to get into my box of Sultana Bran. "MY" brain hasn't allowed me to have a one size fits all approach to PASSWORD MAINTENANCE, it has never let me do that from the outset. Oh no my brain thought the best thing for me would be to have, a whole range of "PASSWORD MAINTENANCES" ranging from names of third cousins removed surnames backwards, jumbled up bithdays, minor television celebraties from the eighties,  colours of colleagues vehicles, holiday destinations I've never visited, etc etc it all too frequently remains far too much of a mystery.
Or when I ring the bank or Utility complany and they ask for my unique "ultra protected" code that is unique to myself that I can never flippin remember, "Er is FROST in UPPERCAPS"? I ask. "No Sir" comes the reply. "Try Frost in lowercaps". And again the repy is "No". Is it, Alex, XLea, Frostie, AlexFrostie, Frostie Alex"? and of  course"No" is the usual and frequent response. And then I feel really thick and ask for a clue, but they are always  difficult and reluctant, but eventually I get, "Do you have a third cousin removed"?  Optomistically I reply, "yes, is that the password"? I ask."No" was the response she was just curious! Eventually you get somewhere and after many moments of paying the premium call rate it is established that for absolutly no justifiable or explanable reason your password is something like ShaneRitche666. So as you have probably gathered by now it all gets a bit much sometimes.
The other area of our house that is far too complicated is the "condiment" cupboard, its just stupid, why one jar of jam, one jar of marmalade, salt, pepper and a bottle of ketchup is not enough is beyond me. It's the other bits of nonsense food that put my kitchen cupboard shelves to utter breaking point and me to the point of mental breakdown, I mean who seriously needs, Chile chutney, mango puree, chocolate spread that crackles, Lemon Curd, homemade nettle mouse from the 1998 school fete, pickled lychees, green tea, blue tea, Fairtrade Oysters from Bolton, marinated goats cheese and a jar of whelks!
The washing basket, and underwear arrangement is just a nightmare, I often wear to work a knee length grey sock on my left foot,with my daughters Peppa Pig ankle botherers on my right foot as we have lost the ability to "pair up" properly in our house.
I have no desire (honestly) to wear my wifes "off white" knickers on a Tuesday just as my ten year old daughter doesn't really want to wear my Y Fronts, particularly on a "PE" day!
Keys!  For the amount of keys I have, you could quite reasonably suggest I was the caretaker at Stangeways, but i,m not, but why, why, why do I have so many keys? I have at least I have a dozen keys on my key ring that I have absolutly no idea what they are for, big, small, fat thin,no idea, what are they  for?
So as you can ascertain by now, my life is rather  full of clutter, and I suppose the underlying christian message to this blog, is that I think we all need to stop and de-clutter our lives once in a while. In the past I have got to church fully expecting the good Lord to wash away all that fills  my mind and rejuvinate me and send me on my way fresher than bathroom full of Fabreeze. But that doesn't usually happen. When I do sit in a still church, in that moment of prayer, I do usually here the message coming back at me, "You need to clear out the clutter, if you want me to help you and refresh you!
I,m naturally a very impatient person, I enjoy life being full, I like stress and prefer to be busy, but through my journey with God, I have learnt the importance of finding some moments of "peace"" and "me time"
I do this with my trusted friend Fletcher, my dog, and a morning and evening stroll is my way of finding space, time for praying and decluttering. I find it very useful.
I would encourage all who read this, if your feeling a bit frazzled or overloaded with info, data, deadlines, stress, and worries, to STOP, find your space, speak to God, unburden yourself and let God be your rock and support network.
Try it, and try it soon,
In Christ with you all

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On line

  I have always been intrigued by media, television and radio, I recall a time when the family would come together shortly after tea to chil...