Sunday 15 December 2013

Happy Christmas

Well Hello once more,

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Turkey Turkey Turkey, munch munch munch,
It all get a little bit bloated don't you think?

I always get a little bit sentimental at Christmas and probably a little bit more so this year as it is the first one without my dear father being around. Christmas at the Frost residence alway evokes happy memories although there was little Christian references during the festive proceedings. The only 'Christian' thing I vaguely recall was a knitted jumper from Granny which depicted camels going around my torso to an unknow destination. It probably would be quite trendy these days but back in the eighties was no mean look for a teenager. 

One of lifes pleasures as a boy was going through the radio times with a pen marking all the 'must see' television programmes, things like Willy Wonka, The Wizard of OZ and a personal favourite Oliver Twist. As a family who embraced technology the Christmas Eve delivery of our Sony Betamax video recorder was a real treat and remember fondly recording the film Rollerball and watching it with the family the following day. It is fair to say Jesus was no where in sight.

It's funny how Christmas experiences live long in the memory, I remember being in the Worsthorne school Christmas production of 'The Time Machine' and I was cast as a time traveller, which basically involved spending a considerable time in the PE Storage cupboard that was doubling up as the Time Machine, it was rather uncomfortable particulary as me and my fellow travellers were intrigued by a large elastoplast with the equally large scab still in place resting with intimidation on the pommel horse which nobody had the courage to displace. Where was Jesus in all this?

I recall the nearly 30 years  experiences of Christmas working in retail for Independant and National retailers, I recall the 'shit' I used to sell in the world of Catalogue clearance, I recall the weight of the back breaking televisions I used to deliver in the world of a family run business, and I recall and still experience the might of one of the Uk's biggest retail establishments. The memories are vivid and full of happy times. 
I recall the thousands maybe even millions of people I have served, the disputes, the gratitude, the service, the joys the stresses of working and serving the general public. I recall the responsibilities that come with being a Manager, the people who have come and the people who have gone Is this the ministry of Jesus?

I recall the people who I worked with the people I still work with, I recall those have have passed away, colleagues, friends, customers. I recall a lovely old man called David, he used to visit our television shop in Nelson, he was elderly and frail but every morning he would just pop in and say 'Can tha lend me owt?" Me and me old mate Glynn would just say, "Not today Dave" the conversation was brief, and often concluded by David saying, "Thanks lads, see you tomorrow". After a a long period of time David stop coming and we learned that he had passed away. Jesus where are you?

I recall the drinks, not the volume but the rather feeble intake in the Frost household, Cinzano and Bianco, the snowballs and the Babycham and if we really pushed the limits a Shandy Bass or two could be consumed in a moment of indulgence whilst pretending to be drunk on nothing more than gas and carbonated water. These days I notice the regulars who wobble between the two public houses that I pass on my way home in the evenings and observe with sadness some of Burnleys human beings who have turned to drugs and prostitution to 'get by' whilst judgementally considering they live too close for comfort to the safety and security of my own bricks and mortar. Oh Jesus!   

I recall Christmas with family, We were never over endulged as a family, something that Sarah and I have instilled with Joe, Holly and Rachel, we give them something nice, but we try to ensure, never too much! I recall the huge joint of beef purchased, cooked and carved by my dear 96 year old Granny who by Gods grace will celebrate Christmas with us at 'Frost towers' on the 25th of December. My Mum will be with us, she WILL get emotional, she will talk about my Dad, how she misses him, how he loved Christmas and his family and how it will never be the same. Jesus?

I suppose what you might get from this blog is my feeling that in these very short and brief reflections of Christmas, is maybe just maybe Christ was always there simply walking alongside me like a speech bubble just sitting on my shoulder waiting for me to notice he was there. The times I looked and saw nothing, the times I was hearing and not listening, the times I was joyous and not grateful. The New Year will continue to, prod and proke and challenge me in my formation towards Ordained ministry, but the past, the experiences the challenges, the tears, the laughs, the anger, the education is I feel part of Gods masterplan for my future. The New Year will continue to prod and proke and challenge you as well but  I urge all of you with faith and also those of you without, to take just a few moments prior to Christmas in a moment of stillness and tranquility and reflect on your 'life journey' and give thanks to whovever you owe that to, be it, Jesus, Mum, Dad, carer, brother, sister, husband, wife, son or daughter, friend or foe. In the meantime I offer prayers and thanksgiving for all those who have impacted my life and wish you all a really great Christmas,
Till next time love and peace,

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On line

  I have always been intrigued by media, television and radio, I recall a time when the family would come together shortly after tea to chil...