Wednesday 8 January 2014

Beef and Horseradish Wraps

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year,
And the same to you I hear you all reply back with warmth and affection. After being blessed with Abba singing ‘Happy New Year’ since late last September on the old music system at the High Street emporium I frequent, I can’t say that since Big Ben heralded the start of 2014 I have been inundated with people falling over themselves to shake me by my hand or anything else for that matter to wish me a prosperous start to the New Year. Come to think of it I can’t say I have been falling over myself to wish anybody in my presence an exciting beginning to the month of January.
It appears that after the indulgence of Christmas the sense of good will to all men (and women) is a little on the crumbly side to say the least. In fairness nobody has been downright rude in the opening days of January  although one individual in Asda  jumped in the not so fast, fast lane I as attempted to swiftly purchase my Egg Salad and Eccles cake and retreat back to work before the next deluge of water fell from the sky and soaked my nylon acrylic suit.  I ‘frustratingly’ waited ‘patiently’ as they attempted to purchase off the counter narcotics which everybody knows needs operator assistance! This resulted in delaying my stay in the delightful trouble free shopping environment.  As I waited for my turn the women turned to the man who I assume was her husband but could quite easily have been, a brother, lover, friend, a relative, husband, or anything else for that matter and say “It’s shit in here, I now know why I prefer Sainsbury’s”. Whilst understanding the sentiment her outburst rather took me by surprise as I felt on this occasion the pretty slow speed of service was reasonably tolerable.  She didn’t know the half of it and I felt like saying you should be her when the students pile in! Oh my goodness when the students pile in, it is an experience to behold, the best part of a thousand kids buying Pringles and Iron Bru to stimulate the afternoon brain matter is one of lives more challenging experiences. As they all line up for the not so fast, fast lane with duffle coats and messenger bags, Nike trainers and pierced body parts in full bloom it can be one of life’s daily difficulties as I run my smaller business enterprise on the other side of the car park. But as I stood in that original queue I thought to myself bloody hell everybody looks so flaming miserable,   have they forgotten it’s just been Christmas?
Christmas in the Frost residence was a quiet affair with just ten people for the festive dinner, and whilst the gifts were lovely and the crackers were adequate my own personal highlight was my outstanding roast potatoes drizzled in weight watchers goose fat which made them crackle and crunch like and elderly man with a badly inserted hip replacement! It was a joy to behold as close family friends allowed me to clear the tables and fill the dishwasher I was content, I was extremely satisfied in the knowledge that my responsibilities as a host had been fulfilled because my taters went down a storm and the turkey was dead!
Back in the real world people have been going about things, Oh we enjoyed a little foray to a popular little shopping village fondly referred to as The Trafford Centre near Manchester and after paying way over the odds for a chicken burger and sitting in a very draughty Nando’s we headed into the mass of bargain hunters determined to enjoy our time together as a family.  Sometime later after failing to find a satisfactory place where we could all shop happily we headed for the exit and the short trip home.
As New Year Eve approached, the excitement for the big night’s festivities grew and grew!  I was most fortunate and blessed to be working on New Year’s day, so my normal heightened moment of New Year hysteria passed me by and as we enjoyed the hospitality of my Brother and his wife and literally hundreds of people I didn’t know, I just about managed to hold in all the excitement as I indulged on a beef and horseradish wrap and glass of R Whites! As the big bell of Big Ben chimed live on Sky News, I almost immediately reminded my dear wife of my ‘work commitments’ and left shortly after to a crescendo of fireworks and a brightly lit morning as we drove with great care back to our humble abode.
So here we are well into the New Year all full of hope and expectation, Gym memberships to be considered and evaluated and ultimately declined. Lose seven stones in seven minutes DVDs with the help of a Z list celebrity and a tight fitting leotard. New Year’s resolutions to readdress determined to shed some of the pounds shillings, pounds and pence we either put on or lost over the festive period. New ambitions, new career, new car or book the holiday of a lifetime to Skegness, or even a bit of early Christmas shopping, where will it all end?
Well in the doom and gloom of this blog I think there is some hope and optimism. In the rare times of tranquility I found some really great moments of positivity. I found it at home with the family, I took real pleasure from being with the ‘family’, we are far from perfect I can tell you that for nothing but just being at home,  just doing ‘things’ has filled me with great joy and satisfaction. Seeing the kids flourishing and enjoying the gifts from us, and Santa and others is a really lovely feeling and I suppose its why many of us love it so much.

From the general public, don’t ask me why but they just make me smile.

But also in Church, Midnight Mass, it was just beautiful. I don’t know why and I don’t know how and I can’t prove it or show it, but after the madness of work, the busyness of life, for a few short moments I felt the presence of Christ in the beauty of the Eucharist and in the reflection of his birth. In both those things I found and find great optimism and courage and hope for the future. I entered Gods church just before 11.30pm exhausted and fragile, a little worn out from the challenges of life and just before 1.00 am I left with hope, energy and excitement for things to come.
Although a little late may I offer you all my sincere best wishes for the year ahead?
With love

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