Saturday 12 July 2014

Thinking Out Loud ....

Hello friends,
                      It has been a while since I took to the world of blogging so here we are in early July where you find me in a rather contemplative, reflective kind of mood. So much has passed and so much to look forward whilst trying to embrace the here and now!

The last month or so has been quite memorable for many a reason not least of which was the Ordination of some lovely people who I have come to call friends, and the service at Blackburn Cathedral was delightful. To see such happy individuals with loved ones surrounding them as the Bishop of Blackburn laid on his hands and set them off to begin life as clergy folk was really fantastic. I sat with some fellow Ordinands and we were very proud to be able to enjoy the day with them and I can't lie that on more than one occasion it crossed my mind that it was me and my buddies who would be next, by the Grace of God of course!

I have recently discovered where my first post will be and when I received the email suggesting it would be St Matthews church in Burnley I have to tell you I was overjoyed. Apart from the first four years of my life when I had a little southern accent from being born in Tooting South London I have spent my entire life in Burnley and those of you who know me well will understand how much I love this old industrial mill town and how pleased I am that God has called me to spend the formative years of my ministry remaining in the borough. With the excitement of the news comes the realization that things are changing that I wont be an Ordinand, Store Manger or layperson for that much longer. The prospect of becoming a Deacon, clergyman, Rev or even Father is a little overwhelming, however I will still be a husband, father and friend to those around me and as the awareness of change heightens so does the trepidation and fear factor that in less than 12 months I with my family will begin an exciting and very scary new chapter of our lives. My family are deeply important to me and what a burden my and my calling form God are to them, but how amazingly supportive is my dear wife Sarah.

 The process I suspect is cranking up somewhat, I have ordered my first cassock which my Mum and Granny insisted on funding and I find myself perusing the numerous clergy retailers looking at clergy shirts that all look the same but am assured and vastly different in quality.  Also we have to move home at some point and I was ordered to power wash the drive today I sense Sarah is getting down to the task of getting things in order to be able to sell our house as we prepare to move to pastures new. Whilst we await news from the Diocese where our new home will be we have taken to looking at properties for sale in the Parish, probably setting our expectations a little too high as we saw a lovely home for sale with sprawling gardens and a pebbled drive, I suspect it wont be that be we do pray it is a nice family home!

One thing I am looking forward to is the colleges annual Summer School and as I remind people it is not a holiday but a week of theological education centered around worship and prayer, if it as half as good as last year trip to Cuddesdon in the Oxfordshire country then it will be a worthwhile trip, Mirfield near Huddersfield I hope your ready for us! Having the added pressure of arranging the social evening is not great and also being the newly elected chairman of the Ordinand meetings is something I am not accustomed to but will give it my best shot and I am sure my colleagues will be gentle with me. Another birthday away from home is a another reminder of some of the sacrifices one makes in fulfilling the desire to be Ordained and I am sure there will be many of those to deal with over the coming years. 

Another thing that I have been pondering recently is the reality that this will be my last Christmas working in the retail sector and after working in 'shops' since the age of fifteen it really hasn't sunk in that my shop keeping days are slowly drawing to a close and the new year will be a very interesting time in my life. The retail environment I believe will serve me well as I really have seen pretty much everything over the last 30 years tendering to the needs of the general public. I give thanks to God for the experiences and for the laughs and the tears and the characters and personalities I have met.

So there we are just a few bits of the many things going on right now. It really has been a quite incredible journey so far you know? I was baptized when I was 37 I was exploring the world of stand up comedy, then all of a sudden something happened and changed the direction of my life forever. God interrupted me and my families plans and taken us on the the most incredible white knuckle ride we have ever experienced and I don't see the ride ending anytime soon. To all of you who read my blogs thanks for your encouragement, thanks for taking a few minutes out of your life to enter my world and I hope that if you  can take anything from any of them then I hope that is can be the absolute truth and conviction of my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and his desire to offer his love to you at any point in your life, whenever that may be.
Have a really great Summer,

with love

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On line

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