Saturday 19 May 2012

The Bin funeral and the killer cat !

   Usually I am the first to rise in a morning and that in it'self is fraught with hazzards. After negotiating the landing, stepping over dolls, clothes, slippers and avoiding the vacuum cleaner which I sometimes wonder if it has been strategically placed by my good wife, in the vague hope of a "settlement on death" dividend, I make my way down the stairs, to enter the kitchen with what I can only describe as fear and trepidation.
I frequently open the door with my eyes closed and then open them, the same way you would had you been exposed to the sunlight after a long period of time in darkness.
Sometimes I am met with nothing more the aroma of stale Fletcher (that's my dog) but certainly during the light mornings I can frequently be welcomed by the corpse of a rather stiff rodent. This is down to my killer cat named Jerry who is prolific in the art of field mouse homicide! Sometimes they are fresh and soft sometimes they are hard and cold and sometimes they nothing more than kidney and spleen but generally they are deceased!
This leaves me with the duties of removing the body before my children awake and probably sinking into deep grief at the loss of of the furry four legged creature.
I usually wrap it kitchen roll, and bury it deep in the bin, under the remnents of last nights meal, and deep enough to be close enough to the pesky mouse that passed away the night before.
It certainly is not the most dignified ending for the creature, there is no hymn or ulogy, no congregation or prayers, just death and destruction.
Usually when the commital is over I enjoy my cup of tea and bowl of high fibre bran and sultanas, but just occasionally I consider if I should possibly give the mouse, a more respectful and dignified departure from this world, after all this is one God's creations, "All creatures great and Small" and all that.
In truth I haven't done that yet, I haven't dug a hole in the garden especially for mice, rats, voles and birds, but maybe I should, or should I ?
If i believe, which I do, when I die, my physical body is gone,and as Monty Python put it "It is deceased, it is no more, it is a dead parrot,then I think it applies to me as well, but that is okay isn't it? because if you are a christian then you are born again, born again in the image of christ, and Jesus demonstrated that to us when he died, he was burried and rose again and he ascended into heaven.
I can't be sure all those victims of cat murder are in heaven but when I die, I hope that Jesus has a place for me in heaven, when I die I would prefer it not to be wrapped in kitchen roll and rammed into the bin next to the scraps of tea, and the fluff from the floor, but if I am I will take consolation that God may welcome me into heaven.
I hope that you all do what you can to be welcomed in to heaven should you murdered by a killer cat this day.
May you find room in your heart for Jesus today and always!

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