Tuesday 22 May 2012

Saint Jeremy of Kyle !

The skill of humiliating and embarrassing a vulnerable person is something I feel Jeremy Kyle has in abundance, He is the real deal when it comes to using people who are short of good fortune and intellect, and he spitefully takes them to the lowest places, he ensures the self esteem they have which is incidentally usually already very low, goes even lower.
He takes a seat on the step so he is looking up at them as they pour out there stories of broken relationships, infedelity, crime, drug abuse, and then rises to his feet as he offers them hope through his  sidekick Graham and his amazing back up team of counsellers and trained proffessionals. He holds there future in the palm of his envelope bearing the truth, about parental ownership of a child through water tight DNA results, but only after he leaves us on knife edge and makes us wait for the advertisng super powers to promote their products and services. On the return from the break he cruelly delivers the result like the final of Xfactor, all that is missing is dimmed lighting and a drum roll. A brief moment is allowed for the shock and awe and then they are sent on there way, to the warm embrace of "Graham" who will put there lives back together!
I have to say I find it really uncomfortable on many levels, but whilst I find it distasteful and cruel, it does paint a very true picture of what many would describe as our broken society. The tv executives love this kind of TV, Kyle has now gone Stateside, to spread his message, of no hope and damaged people.
You've probably guessed by now I am a Christian, and after painting such a damning picture of Mr Kyle you wouldn't be surprised if I suggested Jesus would not endorse this kind of cheap charactor assassination. My view around these stories around personal crisis, is very simple, These individuals who find themselves infront of the TV Cameras, are fundamentally short of something very important, LOVE. I feel quite sad that people who fall into despair and depression just can't find love, not in a physical way but in a caring, supportive and reassuring way like some of you reading this are lucky to have. 
I think my message of hope to these people is, you may not be able to find that love and encouragement in their present circles, but it can be found in a new relationship with Christ and the christian community. I have no doubt some people wont agree, but whether ones faith is weak or strong no one can deny the message of Jesus, it is not difficult or complicated, just try and love one another. I find it hard, it is hard, how can my words be a demonstration of love for Jeremy Kyle? There not but my words are born out of a concern for my fellow human beings, who are being exploited and damaged by cheap television!
I encourage you to pray for victims of domestic violence, adultry, addiction, and maybe consider this the next time you choose your morning viewing.
Peace be with you all,

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