Saturday 19 May 2012

Footy and Faith, Faith and Footy

   I often find the best place to pray before a busy day is along a local farm path with my dog Fletcher, we are always alone unless we have the pleasure of seeing the deer that frequent the local woods.On my walks I often ask to be forgiven for the things I may have thought or said, and recently I have applied that to my thoughts about rival football clubs. 
As a  Burnley supporter I can't deny my recent pleasure in seeing Blackburn Rovers and Bolton Wanderers relegated in the last few weeks and Blackpool today have been denied a return to the Premiership at the hands of West Ham United. Surely as a proud Lancashire lad I should be supporting local clubs, and as I am reminded each week in church the teaching of Jesus when he tells us "To love thy neighbor as thyself " it places me in a rather difficult position. How can I love my neighbor when it''s Blackburn or Bolton or Blackpool?
I can tell you it is not easy, but I suppose as personally the banter is light, and the blows are soft, I think Jesus would rather endorse the fun and competitive aspect of the rivalry.
However what concerns me more is the stupidity and moronic behavior of people who take the rivalry to such aggressive and violent conclusions. 
I have witnessed on a number of occasions, individuals who demonstrate an intense hatred and disgust for their fellow human beings purely because they happen to be from a town down the road.
For some the ferocity of the chants is even more distasteful, and are far as Burnleys rivals are concerned the people of Burnley have 6 fingers and sleep with their parents! It really is quite disgusting and offensive, and I just don't understand why it happens with such venom.
I think Jesus would be deeply disturbed by such animosity but I would suggest this is just one example of bigotry and intolerance within our community.
What makes us like this? I,m not sure but one suggestion would be we have forgotten how to respect and love our fellow human being. Every where you turn is intolerance,  
football grounds, nightclubs, schools, shops, airports, churches, mosques, synagogues etc etc,
When was the last time you got mad at someone? waved your fist because they cut in at junction? Tutted because someone jumped the queue? Criticized someone's dress sense? etc etc,
I pray regularly for patience because among my stunning good looks, flat stomach, radiant personality, etc, God didn't bless me with patience in abundance.  Patience, brings time, time brings space, space brings clarity, and clarity brings understanding.
I would encourage us all to find time, time to pray, or time to think, and I think that will give us all the opportunity to consider our fellow human being, and by considering our fellow human being maybe we can start to know them and by knowing them we can start to love them.
May God be with you all this day.

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