Saturday 12 May 2012

Gay marriage

Hi again,
             The gay marriage debate appears to be gaining momentum, and President Obama, lended his support for those supporting gay marriage. The right wing gay movement seem intent on demonising members of the christian community who are against such a proposal, whilst the conservative members of the church feel thier traditions , faith and Biblical teachings  are being severely disrespected and are being marginalised into some sort of out of touch religious bigots.
The irony to me is that both sides of the arguement lack understanding and tolerance. If a gay person wants to express love for their partner to the extent of marriage, then that is a great comitment, and at the moment a civil partnership offers something close. To be "married" in a registry office is probably the next logical step, but to be married in a church in the eyes of God I feel is some way away.
I do not like the way people turn this into a political arguement or more worryingly turning christians in bigots who lack understanding and tolerance. In defence of christians with those views, mostly it is not political, it is not bigotry, it is centred around a deep religious stand point about taking scripture literally and not conforming to a world others have created but holding to The Bible as "the way and the truth" this must be respected if not accepted.
My view for what is worth is this. Well i,m still working this through to be honest, but I hold a few things very close to my heart. To be married in church (which I wasn't) is to be married in the eyes of God, it a comitment to God, to love one another, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, and I do believe the intention of this is so a man and a women can pro-create and express love for one another and any chilldren that God blesses them with. Gay marriage I don't think was in the gameplan! However, I also believe very strongly in The Holy spirit, I fully support the right for a man to love a man and a woman to love a woman, If they are christians, and they want that love to be demonstrated in his eyes, in HIS church then I believe that is The Holy Spirit working within them as individuals, and should be respected and considered by church clergy who hold the same view. Gay marriage in a church however, should be done for no other reason than, for Gods Blessing for that couple, Not to be used as a platform for gay rights, christian bashing, and disrespecting The Bible to which Christians hold so dear.
To conclude, Jesus said "Love thy nieghbour as thyself" I will endeavour to do that, and I will pray, for tolerance, respect and understanding.
May you all find room for Christ, and the Holy Spirit to work in you this day.

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