Tuesday 29 May 2012

The night I met Jesus in the lift !

Hello friends,
                   When I was 8 years old, I vaguely remember watching the TV mini series Jesus of Nazareth, with the amazing Robert Powell playing the part of Jesus Christ, and to this day the image of his portrayal stays with me, in fact when my Vicar asked me, "When you think of Jesus what do you see"?
The image I imagined is this image below,

To me this was the image of The Messiah, to me in this picture I see the image of Jesus, A caring face with incredible eyes, a look of Christ if I ever did see,
So low and behold I shocked when  I was when at the age of about 28  I bumped into Robert Powell, looking nothing like the picture above looking, rather untidy, and impatient. We were in a lift together, at first I didn't recognize him, until he looked at me, he gave me the most tiniest of acknowledgments and our eyes met, the lift went bing, and he was off never to be seen again. I thought to myself, Jesus, that was Jesus!
As I write, I still look at this picture, I look at his eyes and I see Jesus, please just take a moment to look at his eyes before we crack on!
Okay, thank you for that, The reason I mention this event is it also coincided with one of the many great events in my life. One of my heroes, was the brilliant Les Dawson, and I had followed his career after seeing him at the tender age of 15 in a show at the Blackpool grand, he was in a show called Run for Your Wife, I enjoyed it so much I went twice during my weeks holiday on the Fylde Coast.
 To cut a long story short, Les Died in 1993, I was really upset, I remember exactly where I was, and I miss the humor of a comedy giant. The summer after his death a gala tribute night was to be held also at the beautiful Blackpool Grand . The ticket prices started at £100 and went up to £500, it was going to be a night of stars, Brucie was on, John Inman, Lionel Blair, Frank Carson, Les Denis, Roy Barrowclough, The Roly Polys, and Robert Powell !
My wife treated me to tickets I was over the moon, we went the whole hog and stayed at the Savoy, and for the first time in my life, I had a room with a Corby Trouser Press.
We planned to make the short walk to The Grand but after about 30 yards, the effort was too much and we hailed a taxi.
The driver, automatically knew where we were going as we were in best bib and tucker. He said "It's busy down there you know? There's TV and allsorts". I replied "Great I can't wait." He then inquired if we fancied having a bit of fun, and informed us the road was cordoned off and access was strictly for VIP guests heading for the red carpet. He went on to suggest that when the police stop him, he would say "One for the red carpet" in the hope we would get access.
He then went on to suggest that when we exited the cab he would say in a very loud voice "One hundred and fifty quid" and encouraged me to pretend I was handing him two hundred, and telling him to keep the change."
So with a very reluctant Sarah sat beside me I said "Yeah go on then" and so that is what happened. We were stopped by the police, the cabbie did as he said, and we were permitted access up to the VIP red carpet, We got out, he did as he said and I replied, "Thanks mate keep the change". At that point, Sarah scarpered inside The Grand, leaving me to turn round and find papparazzi, camera crews and hundreds of members of the public staring at me, I swear I heard someone say "Who's that?" The silence of the press "downing tools" was deafening and the cameraman, looked frustrated and confused that I was a face of no distinction what's so ever. However I played it real cool with style and panache and strutted into the foyer.
This story had a sting!
 There was punishment for our dishonesty, and it came in the most humiliating of manners.
As we got into the foyer the ticketmaster, asked to see our tickets, and I confidently presented them fully expecting to be escorted to our deluxe seats in Blackpools greatest entertainment emporium. BUT, BUT,
But the snag was this, the ticket master, took great joy in informing us that the tickets we had presented were not for the VIP entrance, infact not even for the slightly well off, and for that matter not even the relatively hard up. There were in fact for the cheap seats, "In the Gods" with the peasants of the ticket world, and the only way we could get access was to walk down the red carpet, and literally climb over the barriers that were provided, to keep riff raff like me and Sarah out of the VIP area.
Our humiliation was complete as we wandered down the carpet over the barrier and to take our places on what was nothing short of a park bench with a bit of cloth!
I learnt a lot that night, Les Dawson was truly loved by the celebrity world, It gave me a memory I will never forget, but more than anything it was the night I saw the eyes of Jesus, in his scruffs, in the lift, in Blackpool, in the Savoy Hotel.
A loose link I know, but a fine demonstration that you can find Christ in the most unique circumstances, in the most unlikeliest of places, when you least expect, the trick is to know when he is there.
With love and prayers to you all.

Saturday 26 May 2012

If Jesus Christ is alive and well then how come John and Elvis are Dead?

Hi again,
   I am a person that was brought up on a rich diet of eighties music, and whilst there were some shocking bands about, there was also the occasional glimpses of beautiful music, like Sinittas epic masterpiece, Toyboy, and the sublime Agadoo by Black Lace, there was the very moving Chicken Song, by Spitting Image, and there was the sexy duo of George Michael and Andrew Ridgely, who wrote the deep dark lyrics, "Wham Bam I am a man" from the award winning ditty, Wham Rap.
George Michael is a man i,m rather intrigued by, for all his dodgy lyrics and public indiscretions, he is a man of great wealth who appears to have spent much time in dark places(no pun intended)  From the early days of Wham he did go on to record some really stuning pieces of music, like Careless whisper, Faith, and Jesus to a child just to name a few and he  has couple of songs with lyrics that really got me thinking,
In his big hit Praying for time, he wrote, the verse,
"Cause Gods stopped keeping score, I guess somewhere along the way, he must have let us all out to play, Turned his back on all his children and crept out the back door". and he continues " Charity, is a coat you wear twice a year" and concludes the song with "It's so hard to love there's so much to hate"
I'm this tune was around the time of Live Aid, and there was  a massive drive to reduce poverty in Africa, and it is something that lives long in the memory that were about to see it.
But this notion that God doesn't care about his children is the one that is frequently thrown at christians by agnostics and athiests. If God loved his children why is there so much suffering?
In a more recent offering from his Album, Patience, in one of his songs, he asks the question "If Jesus Christ is alive and well, then how come John (referring to John Lennon) and Elvis (Presley) are dead"? and concluded the song by writing, said "If Jesus Christ is going to save us from ourselves
How come peace, love and Elvis are dead?"
It is very hard to say my loving God allows suffering, but I suppose I rationalize this with my belief that things happen with a purpose and a reason, Nature is Nature, rain will fall, sun will shine, ground will crumble, tides will rise. There is indeed much to hate in this world, but there is so much more to love, it's humans who choose to hate, they can also make the choice to love as well, but that appears to be a more difficult proposition for so many individuals. I don't believe God has turned his back on his children, but I do absolutely believe, that people are turning thier backs on God.
Something that really inspires me about the Muslim community in my home town is the demonstration of love for their God by the way their children regularly attend mosques to learn about the faith thier parents want them to be brought up with, yes it's a fair challenge to suggest it's brain washing and a docterine you don't agree with, but if you hold your faith and belief that it is a sound docterine and teaching then I don't think it is wrong to want the same for your own children and their children's children.
What I do believe is that if you have a faith, large or small in a supreme being then you must be a witness to that faith. When I have days of fun, pleasure and wonder I turn to God and give thanks just as when things are tough and painful, depressing and hard going I also turn to God to find the courage and strength to keep going, that faith sustains me more than I ever thought it could.
John Lennon was a talented songwriter, and Elvis was full of charisma but to suggest that either of them come anywhere close to the magnitude of Jesus appears to be rather silly comparrison.
John Lennon was not the son of God, and Elvis as I recall did not die so that we should live, Jesus is and did!
Jesus is not a personality, nor a rock star, nor a comedian, not a showbiz character of any description, he is the son of God, who through his own incredible suffering, demonstrated that darkness would always be overcome. He defeated the dark side of life, and offered us the hope of eternal life.
The late Dr. S. M.  Lockeridge, a pastor from San Diego, California
said these words in a sermon in Detroit in 1976:

"Death couldn't handle him and the grave couldn't hold him"

yours in christ

Thursday 24 May 2012

My Sandals and I

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

   Now i,m signed up for the journey to ordination I look at my Regatta Sandals through a new set of lenses, They were purchased originally about a year ago for trips to the beach on our Summer excursion to Turkey. But now these Sandals have a whole new set of opportunities to explore and "play up" to the typical christian stereotype.
Firstly I was wondering if I could possibly get away with wearing them in the workplace, but after trying them out with my "George from ASDA" nylon acrylic suit they didn't quite do themselves justice, particularly with the white socks I was wearing.
Then I tried the dusty walk down the not so dusty farm track trying to emulate the feeling from the desert, but as the water levels from the recent poor levels are still quite high, I returned home with stony socks and damp feet.
My next opportunity was the school run, but to add traditional authenticity to the journey I covered myself in a duvet and pillow case to make myself have that look of the Hebrew world, but it was only when "a mother" suggested that Hannah Montanah bed linen was not really of that time.
Next the supermarket run, but after being the victim of trolley rage to an erratic elderly lady he took me out with a heavy load, of Horlicks and firelighters I was left nursing 3 blackened toes and slight tear to my left sandal.
Did the church run nobody batted an eyelid!

Did the trip to the tip, but was refused entry as they were considered a violation of the strict health and safety regulations, but I was lucky as my wife's high heels that were being donated to charity got past "waste" border control without anybody batting an eyelid, although they did chafe around the heel a little.
Bumped into a couple of clergy, who inquired with great gusto "Are they the Regatta, Sahara streemline"? and then talked at great length of the classic sandal manufacturers, like, Dunlop, Asics, Mitre, and of the very durable Gola range.
One gave me a copy of Sandal monthly, and the other a copy of Sandal weekly, where there was a feature on  Mother Theresas top ten selling sandals.
They invited me to the Sandals Summer conference in Lytham St Annes, but as I'd already committed to the knitted tank top trade show in Skipton, and as I was modeling a mohair number in royal blue, I had to let them down. I was also most interested to see Mrs Slack, give her, HOW TO KNIT WITH BODY HAIR demonstration, although in hindsight it was a little disappointing as Mrs Slack was taken ill after a accident with some Babyliss Shavers and her husband Nigel.
I,m not sure if I fit the stereotype to be honest, I mean I do appreciate the open toe look, but I do like shorts with knee length grey socks and I sometimes feel "that look" with a sandal can be a little too, elaborate, and so I may return to a sturdy brogue, or a comfortable pair of Hi Tech trainers.
So sadly for my regattas they will resume a yearly airing, during the holiday season, and will not represent the christian stereotype I so obviously portray!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Saint Jeremy of Kyle !

The skill of humiliating and embarrassing a vulnerable person is something I feel Jeremy Kyle has in abundance, He is the real deal when it comes to using people who are short of good fortune and intellect, and he spitefully takes them to the lowest places, he ensures the self esteem they have which is incidentally usually already very low, goes even lower.
He takes a seat on the step so he is looking up at them as they pour out there stories of broken relationships, infedelity, crime, drug abuse, and then rises to his feet as he offers them hope through his  sidekick Graham and his amazing back up team of counsellers and trained proffessionals. He holds there future in the palm of his envelope bearing the truth, about parental ownership of a child through water tight DNA results, but only after he leaves us on knife edge and makes us wait for the advertisng super powers to promote their products and services. On the return from the break he cruelly delivers the result like the final of Xfactor, all that is missing is dimmed lighting and a drum roll. A brief moment is allowed for the shock and awe and then they are sent on there way, to the warm embrace of "Graham" who will put there lives back together!
I have to say I find it really uncomfortable on many levels, but whilst I find it distasteful and cruel, it does paint a very true picture of what many would describe as our broken society. The tv executives love this kind of TV, Kyle has now gone Stateside, to spread his message, of no hope and damaged people.
You've probably guessed by now I am a Christian, and after painting such a damning picture of Mr Kyle you wouldn't be surprised if I suggested Jesus would not endorse this kind of cheap charactor assassination. My view around these stories around personal crisis, is very simple, These individuals who find themselves infront of the TV Cameras, are fundamentally short of something very important, LOVE. I feel quite sad that people who fall into despair and depression just can't find love, not in a physical way but in a caring, supportive and reassuring way like some of you reading this are lucky to have. 
I think my message of hope to these people is, you may not be able to find that love and encouragement in their present circles, but it can be found in a new relationship with Christ and the christian community. I have no doubt some people wont agree, but whether ones faith is weak or strong no one can deny the message of Jesus, it is not difficult or complicated, just try and love one another. I find it hard, it is hard, how can my words be a demonstration of love for Jeremy Kyle? There not but my words are born out of a concern for my fellow human beings, who are being exploited and damaged by cheap television!
I encourage you to pray for victims of domestic violence, adultry, addiction, and maybe consider this the next time you choose your morning viewing.
Peace be with you all,

Saturday 19 May 2012

The Bin funeral and the killer cat !

   Usually I am the first to rise in a morning and that in it'self is fraught with hazzards. After negotiating the landing, stepping over dolls, clothes, slippers and avoiding the vacuum cleaner which I sometimes wonder if it has been strategically placed by my good wife, in the vague hope of a "settlement on death" dividend, I make my way down the stairs, to enter the kitchen with what I can only describe as fear and trepidation.
I frequently open the door with my eyes closed and then open them, the same way you would had you been exposed to the sunlight after a long period of time in darkness.
Sometimes I am met with nothing more the aroma of stale Fletcher (that's my dog) but certainly during the light mornings I can frequently be welcomed by the corpse of a rather stiff rodent. This is down to my killer cat named Jerry who is prolific in the art of field mouse homicide! Sometimes they are fresh and soft sometimes they are hard and cold and sometimes they nothing more than kidney and spleen but generally they are deceased!
This leaves me with the duties of removing the body before my children awake and probably sinking into deep grief at the loss of of the furry four legged creature.
I usually wrap it kitchen roll, and bury it deep in the bin, under the remnents of last nights meal, and deep enough to be close enough to the pesky mouse that passed away the night before.
It certainly is not the most dignified ending for the creature, there is no hymn or ulogy, no congregation or prayers, just death and destruction.
Usually when the commital is over I enjoy my cup of tea and bowl of high fibre bran and sultanas, but just occasionally I consider if I should possibly give the mouse, a more respectful and dignified departure from this world, after all this is one God's creations, "All creatures great and Small" and all that.
In truth I haven't done that yet, I haven't dug a hole in the garden especially for mice, rats, voles and birds, but maybe I should, or should I ?
If i believe, which I do, when I die, my physical body is gone,and as Monty Python put it "It is deceased, it is no more, it is a dead parrot,then I think it applies to me as well, but that is okay isn't it? because if you are a christian then you are born again, born again in the image of christ, and Jesus demonstrated that to us when he died, he was burried and rose again and he ascended into heaven.
I can't be sure all those victims of cat murder are in heaven but when I die, I hope that Jesus has a place for me in heaven, when I die I would prefer it not to be wrapped in kitchen roll and rammed into the bin next to the scraps of tea, and the fluff from the floor, but if I am I will take consolation that God may welcome me into heaven.
I hope that you all do what you can to be welcomed in to heaven should you murdered by a killer cat this day.
May you find room in your heart for Jesus today and always!

Footy and Faith, Faith and Footy

   I often find the best place to pray before a busy day is along a local farm path with my dog Fletcher, we are always alone unless we have the pleasure of seeing the deer that frequent the local woods.On my walks I often ask to be forgiven for the things I may have thought or said, and recently I have applied that to my thoughts about rival football clubs. 
As a  Burnley supporter I can't deny my recent pleasure in seeing Blackburn Rovers and Bolton Wanderers relegated in the last few weeks and Blackpool today have been denied a return to the Premiership at the hands of West Ham United. Surely as a proud Lancashire lad I should be supporting local clubs, and as I am reminded each week in church the teaching of Jesus when he tells us "To love thy neighbor as thyself " it places me in a rather difficult position. How can I love my neighbor when it''s Blackburn or Bolton or Blackpool?
I can tell you it is not easy, but I suppose as personally the banter is light, and the blows are soft, I think Jesus would rather endorse the fun and competitive aspect of the rivalry.
However what concerns me more is the stupidity and moronic behavior of people who take the rivalry to such aggressive and violent conclusions. 
I have witnessed on a number of occasions, individuals who demonstrate an intense hatred and disgust for their fellow human beings purely because they happen to be from a town down the road.
For some the ferocity of the chants is even more distasteful, and are far as Burnleys rivals are concerned the people of Burnley have 6 fingers and sleep with their parents! It really is quite disgusting and offensive, and I just don't understand why it happens with such venom.
I think Jesus would be deeply disturbed by such animosity but I would suggest this is just one example of bigotry and intolerance within our community.
What makes us like this? I,m not sure but one suggestion would be we have forgotten how to respect and love our fellow human being. Every where you turn is intolerance,  
football grounds, nightclubs, schools, shops, airports, churches, mosques, synagogues etc etc,
When was the last time you got mad at someone? waved your fist because they cut in at junction? Tutted because someone jumped the queue? Criticized someone's dress sense? etc etc,
I pray regularly for patience because among my stunning good looks, flat stomach, radiant personality, etc, God didn't bless me with patience in abundance.  Patience, brings time, time brings space, space brings clarity, and clarity brings understanding.
I would encourage us all to find time, time to pray, or time to think, and I think that will give us all the opportunity to consider our fellow human being, and by considering our fellow human being maybe we can start to know them and by knowing them we can start to love them.
May God be with you all this day.

alextheanglican: Hi,   Another week passes by and after finding ou...

alextheanglican: Hi,
   Another week passes by and after finding ou...
: Hi,    Another week passes by and after finding out on Tuesday that I have finally been recomended to train to join the clergy within the C...

Friday 18 May 2012

   Another week passes by and after finding out on Tuesday that I have finally been recomended to train to join the clergy within the Church of England, my thoughts have been turning to what lies ahead.
The study over the next few years will certainly be challenging, but i,m  very fortunate to be supported by my brilliant wife and 3 children.
The exciting thing is that in 3 years, we will up sticks and move to where God puts us, Sarah seems quite unflustered and reassures me that as long as were together we will be just fine. Alongside this is the feeling of, "Blimey this getting very real! "
The time at St Mathews continues to inspire me and teach me news skills and experience lots of new things, yesterdays Ascension day service was no exception, and was another fine example of how catholic worship can work so well within th CofE.
I enjoyed a quite drink with another Alex, our curate (junior vicar) and we talked about our journeys and experiences, and it is extremely reassuring to know others feel the magnet of Christ, like I have.
Work continues to be enjoyable, and I enjoy regular questions of all things church, I suppose I see it as way to share my faith, without ramming it down peoples throats.
I must say also how humbling it is when so many people show genuine pleasure in my good news, I am very fortunate not only having a great family but great friends, who know how much this journey means, and recognise my efforts.
Next thing on the church agenda, is to visit the DDO (director of Ordinands) and debrief on the interview with The Bishop of Jarrow, but I sign of this week, full of joy and elation that the opportunity to serve Christ in the way I feel he wants me to, is overwhelming and humbling but also very exciting.
May Christ be in your hearts this week, for those in a Good place give thanks to God, and for those in a bad place, you must turn to God. remember if you require a prayer, message me

Saturday 12 May 2012

Gay marriage

Hi again,
             The gay marriage debate appears to be gaining momentum, and President Obama, lended his support for those supporting gay marriage. The right wing gay movement seem intent on demonising members of the christian community who are against such a proposal, whilst the conservative members of the church feel thier traditions , faith and Biblical teachings  are being severely disrespected and are being marginalised into some sort of out of touch religious bigots.
The irony to me is that both sides of the arguement lack understanding and tolerance. If a gay person wants to express love for their partner to the extent of marriage, then that is a great comitment, and at the moment a civil partnership offers something close. To be "married" in a registry office is probably the next logical step, but to be married in a church in the eyes of God I feel is some way away.
I do not like the way people turn this into a political arguement or more worryingly turning christians in bigots who lack understanding and tolerance. In defence of christians with those views, mostly it is not political, it is not bigotry, it is centred around a deep religious stand point about taking scripture literally and not conforming to a world others have created but holding to The Bible as "the way and the truth" this must be respected if not accepted.
My view for what is worth is this. Well i,m still working this through to be honest, but I hold a few things very close to my heart. To be married in church (which I wasn't) is to be married in the eyes of God, it a comitment to God, to love one another, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, and I do believe the intention of this is so a man and a women can pro-create and express love for one another and any chilldren that God blesses them with. Gay marriage I don't think was in the gameplan! However, I also believe very strongly in The Holy spirit, I fully support the right for a man to love a man and a woman to love a woman, If they are christians, and they want that love to be demonstrated in his eyes, in HIS church then I believe that is The Holy Spirit working within them as individuals, and should be respected and considered by church clergy who hold the same view. Gay marriage in a church however, should be done for no other reason than, for Gods Blessing for that couple, Not to be used as a platform for gay rights, christian bashing, and disrespecting The Bible to which Christians hold so dear.
To conclude, Jesus said "Love thy nieghbour as thyself" I will endeavour to do that, and I will pray, for tolerance, respect and understanding.
May you all find room for Christ, and the Holy Spirit to work in you this day.
Well this is my first post, I am Alex and I am a Anglican, hence alextheanglican !
I am on a amazing journey as a christian, I have completed 2 BAP (Bishop Advisory Panels) and after been conditionally recomended I have just completed a PTE requirement which meant I have spent the last 8 months on placements in 2 contrasting styles of church. This is now the waiting game as I have recently been interviewed by the Bishop of Jarrow. And after a long trip to Newcastle I should know sometime in the next 7 days. I am rather anxious but I must trust in God to decide how my journey continues.
This will be an outlet to discuss my observations and opinions, my faith and concerns I hope you like my blog!
May Gods Blessings be amongst you all.
Alex (theanglican)

On line

  I have always been intrigued by media, television and radio, I recall a time when the family would come together shortly after tea to chil...